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About Me

I am an HCI researcher. I use both quantitative and qualitative (ethnographic) techniques to study marginalized rural populations in Bangladesh and I aim to design computational tools and systems to address the challenges for rural low-education populations while accessing information technologies and social media.

Currently, I am a PhD Candidate in Information Science at Cornell University. I am advised by Dr. Susan R. Fussell. I am a Facebook Fellow and my research is supported by Facebook Fellowship.


Before Cornell, I was a Lecturer in Computer Science at Independent University, Bangladesh and the University of South Asia, Bangladesh. Before that, I worked for PrimeSilicon Technologies (Bangladesh), as a Placement and Routing (PnR) Engineer. I am an Electrical and Electronic Engineer by training, majoring in Telecommunication Engineering and Digital Signal Processing.

My areas of interest are:

HCI4D, Feminist-HCI, Wellbeing-HCI, Decoloniality in Computing, and Design and Computing for Social Justice.

My Updates


Our workshop paper on narrative, "Narrative Datasets through the Lenses of NLP and HCI" was presented at Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing on July 15 at NAACL 2022.

Presented our work on toleration on social media Toleration Factors: The Expectations of Decorum, Civility, and Certainty on Rural Social Media on June 27 at ICTD 2022

Led our workshop "Big Data and AI in the Global South" on June 21 at FAccT 2022.

Presented our work on child sexual abuse in Bangladesh where we prototyped "Shishushurokkha" on May 3 at CHI 2022. video presentation here

Co-organized our workshop "Integrating Faith, religion, and spirituality in HCI"  on April 13 and 30 at CHI 2022

Guest lectured on how rural low-literate communities in Bangladesh interact with information and digital technologies on April 11 at NYU Abu Dhabi.

I am Co-organizing the Decolonial AI Workshop on March 8 at Mozfest 2022


My (co-PI) project proposal got awarded with funding (USD $100K) in People’s Expectations and Experiences with Digital Privacy 2021 by Facebook/Meta.

My collaboration work with the University of Toronto, MSR India, and Indian Statistical Institute researchers on human computing and crowdsourcing got accepted in HCOMP 2021 and received Blue Sky Best Paper Award

My work on COVID-19 misinformation in Rural Bangladesh got accepted in CSCW 2021 and received Diversity and Inclusion Recognition.

Related news was featured on, Eurasia, and Cornell Chronicles.

I have Attended Facebook Fellowship Summit 2021(Virtual Event, Sept 8-10)

Currently, I am Working on

Decolonizing information for low-resource marginalized communities. 

Currently, I am Working on

  • Decolonizing data, algorithm, and visuals in the Global South,

  • Designing for transformative justice,

  • Understanding local faith-based practices and studying misinformation using mythographic lens, and

  • Engaging with local communities to understand their fear, stigma, and exclusion

© Sharifa Sultana

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